How to updated Classified MAP (*.grc) in MAP Info

Step 1: Displaying the original clutter file, make the cosmetic layer editable and use the draw buttons to draw polygons around the area where you want to update. Figure 1.1 and 1.2. At this moment, there is no need to differentiate the different types of clutter, just the polygons alone

Figure 1.1 Make cosmetic layer editable

Figure 1.2 Create Polygon using Polygon tools

In this example, there are a few areas that have been redeveloped around highway intersection from Grass-agriculture clutter type to urban and three are two shopping complex have been built at the highway intersection, so the engineer wants to create a new clutter type calls Shopping Mall

Step 2: Go to main menu /Map/Save Cosmetic Objects… and save to a new file name. See Figure 2.1

Figure 2.1 Save the Polygons to Save Cosmetic Object

Step 3: Open a new browser for the new file and for each of the area, select a number that represent the clutter classes. In this example:

1             Urban

2             Shopping Mall

The numbers are arbitrary and can be any integer. Note that each of the object in the browser corresponds to an object on the map window

Picture 3.1 Create Clutter Classes ID

Step 4: From main menu choose /GIS/Grid Analysis/Region to Grid. See Figure 4.1 and 4.2. Choose the source table as the file containing the polygon objects, select the resolution that the main maps are at and choose a new file name.

Picture 4.1 Region to Grid Step

Picture 4.2 Region to Grid Setting

After clicking OK, a new grid file will be created with the new clutter on their own, when add to the original map window, and removing the polygon layer, you should see the new clutter grid displaying like in Figure 4.1

4.3 Result after create new class ID

Step 5: Go to the Grid Manager and select the button Tool/Re class. Remove the extra rows and select the Clasified button and classify the new clutter file with 1 => Urban and 2 => Shopping Mall. See Figure 5.1. Save this to a new file.

Picture 5.1 Re class new clutter step using grid manager tools

So now instead of number 1 and 2 as a numeric grid, the new clutter file is now a classified grid with clutter names.

Picture 5.2 Numeric Grid Reclassification Tool

If we created new area with class same with existing class clutter, don’t forget to make sure the color set is same

Picture 5.3 if using same clutter name, don’t forget to use the same color

Picture 5.4 Result new clutter after reclassification process

Step 6: Now with Grid Manager, select Tools/Splicer, and select the new clutter file to begin with the then select the stamp operation and stamp this file to the original clutter file. Save the new file as a new name. This new file will be the new final clutter file. See Figure 6.1. Please make sure under the stamping process, the new clutter file is the first on the list before the original file, otherwise, the original file will be stamped on to the new one, hence making no change

6.1 Using Splicer Tool to combine the new clutter to existing clutter file

6.2 Grid Splicer Tool

Picture 6.3 The Result of spliced clutter

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